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Extraction products

Baking tray cleaning system / brush with suction system

Extraction elements for the bakery industry

Extraction devices on a slicer

Products for the bakery industry

Residual bread crusher

Conveyor belts / conveyor belts hygiene design

Brushing stations with an extraction system

Drop separator / oil mist pre-separator

Residual bread bunker / residual bread loading device

Cyclone filter systems

Screw filter systems

Agitator filter systems

Lock filter systems

Compact filter systems

Flour dust filter system - separator filter unit

Oil mist filter system

Material separator

Big-bag station

Cyclone separator / droplet separator

Mobile extraction systems / grinding tables

Pipe cutter, cardboard shredder, chipper

Cardboard shredder

Painting walls

Fans / injectors

Special filter systems

Impact separators, droplet separators and oil separators

Silo systems

Briquetting presses

Gate valve / switching flaps / water spraying / belt wall passages

Soundproof walls

Pipe components

Technical reports

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